KUNIHISA (国久), 1st gen., Ōei (応永, 1394-1428), Etchū – “Uda Kunihisa” (宇多国久), student of the 1st gen. Uda Kunifusa (国房), first name Uemonsaburō (右衛門三郎), priest name Jōkei (浄慶), mostly about 27 cm measuring tantō with normal mihaba are extant, the jigane is a dense mokume with ji-nie, some blades also show nagare and masame, bō-utsuri can appear, the hamon is a suguha or slightly undulating notare mixed with gunome in ko-nie-deki with a tendency to hotsure, his hamon is bright, we know horimono in the form of the deity Marishiten in a broad hi, chūjō-saku
KUNIHISA (国久), 2nd gen., Hōtoku (宝徳, 1449-1452), Etchū – “Uda Kunihisa” (宇多国久), dense mokume with nagare and masame, some blades show uzumaki which reminds of the jigane of Norishige (則重), the hamon is a suguha mixed with small ko-gunome knots or also a ko-midare which bases on suguha, the habuchi shows a lot of nie and often tends to a kind of nijūba, we know horimono in the form of hi or gomabashi, the tip of the tang is a bulbous kurijiri, the yasurime are katte-sagari, the signatures is executed with a rather thick chisel
KUNIHISA (国久), 3rd gen., Bunmei (文明, 1469-1487), Etchū – “Uda Kunihisa” (宇多国久), son of the 3th or 4th gen. Uda Kunifusa (国房), itame mixed with masame, suguha or ko-midare
KUNIHISA (国久), 4th gen., Eishō (永正, 1504-1521), Etchū – “Uda Kunihisa” (宇多国久)
KUNIHISA (国久), 5th gen., Tenbun (天文, 1532-1555), Etchū – “Uda Kunihisa” (宇多国久)
KUNIHISA (国久), 6th gen., Kōji (弘治, 1555-1558), Etchū – “Uda Kunihisa” (宇多国久)