大薙刀ヲ刀ニ改造セシ者而無銘也。則房ヲ代表トスル鎌倉中後期ノ同派ニハ薙刀ノ作例多矣。本作ハ乱映ノ鮮ヤカニ立ツ肌合ニ華ヤカナ丁子乱ヲ焼キ殊ニ匂口ノ締マリト冴ヘヤ逆心ヲ帯ビ ル點及ビ指表ノ精強ナル肌合ニ同派ノ特色ガ把握サレ見事也 于時庚子卯月後学探山識「花押」

Ō-naginata o katana ni kaizō-seshi mono shikashite mumei nari. Norifusa o daihyō to suru Kamakura chūkōki no dōha ni wa naginata no sakurei ōi. Honsaku wa midare-utsuri no azayaka ni tatsu hada-ai ni hanayaka na chōji-midare o yaki koto ni nioiguchi no shimari to sae ya gyaku-gokoro o obiru ten oyobi sashi-omote no seikyō naru hada-ai ni dōha no tokushoku ga haaku-sare migoto nari. Koretoki kanoe-ne uzuki kōgaku Tanzan shirusu + kaō

This blade was originally an ō-naginata that has been reshaped into a katana. Beginning with Norifusa as one of its most representative masters, there exist many naginata from this school from the mid to late Kamakura period. This magnificent blade shows a prominent midare-utsuri and is hardened in a flamboyant chōji-midare, with the tight nioiguchi, the tendency of the elements of the ha to slant, and the powerful hada on the sashi-omote side representing the characteristic features of this school. Supplement added by Tanzan (Tanobe Michihiro) in April of the year of the rat of this era (2020) + monogram

SKU: KATANA0022-15-2-8-1-1-2-1-2-1-1-1 Category:


大薙刀ヲ刀ニ改造セシ者而無銘也。則房ヲ代表トスル鎌倉中後期ノ同派ニハ薙刀ノ作例多矣。本作ハ乱映ノ鮮ヤカニ立ツ肌合ニ華ヤカナ丁子乱ヲ焼キ殊ニ匂口ノ締マリト冴ヘヤ逆心ヲ帯ビ ル點及ビ指表ノ精強ナル肌合ニ同派ノ特色ガ把握サレ見事也 于時庚子卯月後学探山識「花押」

Ō-naginata o katana ni kaizō-seshi mono shikashite mumei nari. Norifusa o daihyō to suru Kamakura chūkōki no dōha ni wa naginata no sakurei ōi. Honsaku wa midare-utsuri no azayaka ni tatsu hada-ai ni hanayaka na chōji-midare o yaki koto ni nioiguchi no shimari to sae ya gyaku-gokoro o obiru ten oyobi sashi-omote no seikyō naru hada-ai ni dōha no tokushoku ga haaku-sare migoto nari. Koretoki kanoe-ne uzuki kōgaku Tanzan shirusu + kaō

This blade was originally an ō-naginata that has been reshaped into a katana. Beginning with Norifusa as one of its most representative masters, there exist many naginata from this school from the mid to late Kamakura period. This magnificent blade shows a prominent midare-utsuri and is hardened in a flamboyant chōji-midare, with the tight nioiguchi, the tendency of the elements of the ha to slant, and the powerful hada on the sashi-omote side representing the characteristic features of this school. Supplement added by Tanzan (Tanobe Michihiro) in April of the year of the rat of this era (2020) + monogram