Excellent quality kodai (Muromachi) Kaneuji with Tokubetsu Hozon and Sato Kanzan sayagaki. Wide mihaba and ubu nakago with four mekugi-ana (one double and one triple). Beautiful sugata with nakago sori. The hamon is a gunome-midare with tall gunome and wide, straight valley between. Itame hada with areas of mokume. Mitsumune with high quality polish, gold foil habaki and shirasaya.

KANEUJI (兼氏), Ōei (応永, 1394-1428), Mino – “Kaneuji” (兼氏), “Mino no Kuni-jūnin Kaneuji” (美濃国住人兼氏), Shizu school, with the transition to the Muromachi era, the number of smiths who signed with Kaneuji further increases, these were no longer active in Naoe (直江) but also in Seki (関), Muroya (室屋), and Akasaka (赤坂), Kaneuji blades of that time show an itame mixed with masame and ji-nie and a gunome in ko-nie-deki which tends to koshi-no-hiraita, the signatures are executed with a fine chisel and we also known naga-mei


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