
Washû Tegai (和州手搔)-Yamato Tegai

hacho 1 shaku 3 sun 5 bu (刃長一尺三寸五分)- Blade length 1 shaku 3 sun 5 bu (~40.9 cm).

Showa kinoe-toradoshi aki (昭和甲寅年秋)- Fall in the year of the tiger of the Shôwa era (1974). Hirozane-kun ni tame (為廣実君)-For Mr. Hirozane. Kunzan shirusu + kaô (薫山誌) – Written by Kuzan + kaô (pen name of Dr. Honma Junji).

Kyoto Mimawashigumi Sasaki Tadasaburo haito(京都見廻組 佐々木只三郎佩刀)-Worn by the Kyôto Mimawarigumi (special forces) member Sasaki Tadasaburo (1833-1868).

SKU: WAK000001-1-1-1-1 Category:


* wakizashi, mumei: Tegai (手掻), ô-suriage Blade length ~40.9 cm, 1 mekugi-ana, shôbu-zukuri, kitae is standing-out ko-itame with chikei, ji-nie, and masame in the shinogi-ji. The hamon is a quite nie-laden chû-suguha with a little notare, conspicuous hotsure, and kinsuji. The ôshi has a long running-back ko-maru-kaeri with a hint of hakikake at the tip. From the tsukurikomi, this blade could be mixed up with a Muromachi-era Mihara work at a glance but the jigane does not show shirake and the jiba is too nie-laden, and when we combine this with the conspicuous hotsure, we rather arrive at the Tegai School. However, the bôshi does not show that much hakikake as older Tegai works do and with the long ko-maru-kaeri, we can place this blade in the early Muromachi period and in the vicinity of for example Kanetoshi (包俊). (Comes with a sayagaki that was added on behalf of our Okayama Prefecture member Hirozane Yukio, 広実幸雄.)