Offering a very healthy and high-quality ubu Nanbokucho tanto attributed to Joshu (Yamashiro) Hasebe. Suguha is not as typical as hitatsura for this school, but this is an absolutely beautiful suguha and everything here is tasteful refined and masterful. Not words I use often to describe a sword. And Tanobe-sensei personal thoughts are below.

Joshu Hasebe.

刃長九寸五分有之 採山識「花押」
生茎二近ク茎先ニ向ケテ目立ッテ細リ重ネ薄ク板目が肌立チテ刃寄リニ流レルへニ小沸出来 直刃ヲ焼キ帽子が丸ヒナド一類ニ時折経眼スル穏和ナル作域下記メラレル優品
Joshu Hasebe
Hachō kyu-sun go-bu chaku kore ari
Jizai mizunoto-idoshi mutsuki Tanzan shirusu + kao
Ubu-nakago ni chikaku nakago-saki ni mukete metatte hosori kasane usuku itame ga hada-tachite ha yori ni nagareru kitae ni ko-nie-deki no suguha o yaki boshi ga marui nado ichirui ni tokiori keigan-suru onwa naru saku-iki to mitomerareru yuhin nari.
Hasebe from Yamashiro Province
Blade length 28.7 cm
Written by Tanzan [Tanobe Michihiro] in January of the year of the hare of this era (2023)+ monogram.
This blade has an ubu-nakago, which prominently tapers towards its tip, a thin kasane, and a kitae in a standing-out itame that is mixed towards the ha with nagare. It is hardened in a suguha in ko- nie-deki with a roundish boshi, whereupon we recognize that we have here a masterwork of the type of calmer Hasebe interpretations that can be occasionally seen.

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