NAGAKUNI (永国), 1st gen., Kanbun (寛文, 1661-1673), Musashi/Higo – “Heianjō-jū Nagakuni” (平安城住永国), “Kawachi no Kami Gensei Nagakuni sanjūroku-sai saku” (河内守源姓永国三十六歳作, “made by Kawachi no Kami Nagakuni from the Minamoto clan at the age of 36”), “Kawachi no Kami Minamoto Nagakuni” (河内守源永国), Edo-Hōjōji school, probably a student of Yoshitsugu (吉次) or of Kunimasa (国正), the mentioned age of 36 is found on a blade dated Kanbun eight (1668), that means his year of birth calculates as Kan´ei ten (寛永, 1633), it is said that he moved later to Higo´s Kumamoto fief (熊本藩) but he also worked in Echizen province and somewhat later in his career in Akita (秋田), a theory says that it was the 2nd gen. who moved to Akita, chūjō-saku


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